Opening evening with Thomas Hertog, Slavoj Žižek & Lieuwe van Gogh
Are all the laws of nature destined to become outdated? Is there anything everlasting? Who are the winners or losers of the universe? Are we observers, or are we defined by our own observations?
Having worked alongside Stephen Hawking for 20 years, Thomas Hertog has developed a radical vision, deeply inspired by Hawking's late-life reimagining of time and space. He will deliver a profoundly special talk on the origin of the universe, offering a tantalizing glimpse into the mysteries of our cosmos.

Slavoj Žižek will join in with a special talk via an online connection to clarify ideas on quantum physics. Having been calling himself the reality police, Žižek defends reality against the vaporization of matter. As always, let him broaden our scope in his wonderful way by asking the right questions about our existence.

Lieuwe van Gogh, the son of Theo van Gogh and close relative of Vincent, will be present on this special night. His new paintings will be exhibited in the expo "Masters of Today."

Time schedule:
18:30 Opening // 19:00 Talk by Thomas Hertog on the holographic universe. // 20:00 Q and A with Thomas Hertog // 20:30 Slavoj Žižek comments on quantum physics and AI. // 21:15 Second round of questions to Thomas Hertog and Lieuwe van Gogh.
Friday 19 July, 19:00
Church De Duif
Early-bird Tickets
*The special light art during this opening evening is created by Thierry de Mey.